Hunting and Conservation
Ever since the days of the Marquis of Salamanca, Deshea de Los Llanos has been renowned and valued for its wide diversity of indigenous fauna, and many illustrious persons have enjoyed hunting on its lands.
It was during the time of the Marquis de Salamanca that driven partridge shoots were first held in Spain. You can hunt big and small game at the estate, with a particularly notable species being the native red-legged partridge, which is carefully looked after and accommodated: from limiting our agricultural activities during breeding periods to installing a network of feeders and drinking stations and carefully organising our plots to suit the birds. We alternate and combine irrigated crops with rain-fed crops in a way which favours the partridge’s nesting and development.
These conditions also favour the presence of other protected species such as churra sheep, bustards and little bustards at the Dehesa. You can also find common wood pigeons, quails, rabbits and hares at Dehesa de Los Llanos, in addition to other species.